The DeNOx catalytic reactor for cogeneration plants from 400 to 4,500 kWe

The structure
The structure

Quality design, construction and plant dimensioning

Deparia’s quality criteria in system design, construction and dimensioning achieves the maximum nox abatement efficiency (98%), above the standards required by the most recent european directives on air emission treatments.
The DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor has been designed to treat NOx emissions from small-scale co-generation plants (400 to 4,500 kW) fueled by natural gas, biogas from anaerobic digestion or liquid biofuels, in a scenario characterized by increasingly restrictive air emission limits.
The COMPKAT version represents the synthesis of the experience accumulated by Deparia in numerous installations of DeNOx-SCR reactors on co-generation plants subject to very restrictive air emission limits. It is available in two versions: the HT-EVO reactor, for applications with high temperature emissions (460÷550C°) and the SPLIT reactor for applications with emissions at temperatures ≤ 450C°.


Easy to install and manage system.


Compact size and halved dimensions.


Catalyst regeneration.

Fields of application

District heating plants

Co-generation plants

For more information about the DeNOx SCR COMPKAT Reactors, download the technical data sheet.

Case Histories

INDUSTRy: paper products (Varese, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx-CO from natural gas co-generation plant (SAE continuous emission monitoring).
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT mod.CK-55/25_SPLIT on 800 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: energy production (Milan, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DENOX-SCR reactor mod. CK 250/120_HT-EVO on 4,500 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: chemical (Cremona, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor mod. CKS 200/100 on 3,300 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: food preparation (Monza e Brianza, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor split mod. CKS 135/64 on 2,000 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: food preparation (Como, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 135/64 on 2,400 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: food preparation (Lodi, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: 2x DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO split mod. CKS 100/49 on 1,800 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: plastic (Brescia, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor split mod. CKS 135/64 on 1,800 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: chemical (Varese, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 200/100 on 2,700 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: food production (Como, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 200/100 on 3,000 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: textile (Cremona, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 200/100 on 3,300 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: chemical (Bergamo, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor split mod. CKS 55/25 on 800 kWe generator set.

INDUSTRY: energy production (Trento, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CKS 250/120 on 4,400 kWe generator set.

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