Quality design, construction and plant dimensioning
Deparia’s quality criteria in system design, construction and dimensioning achieves the maximum nox abatement efficiency (98%), above the standards required by the most recent european directives on air emission treatments.
The DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor has been designed to treat NOx emissions from small-scale co-generation plants (400 to 4,500 kW) fueled by natural gas, biogas from anaerobic digestion or liquid biofuels, in a scenario characterized by increasingly restrictive air emission limits.
The COMPKAT version represents the synthesis of the experience accumulated by Deparia in numerous installations of DeNOx-SCR reactors on co-generation plants subject to very restrictive air emission limits. It is available in two versions: the HT-EVO reactor, for applications with high temperature emissions (460÷550C°) and the SPLIT reactor for applications with emissions at temperatures ≤ 450C°.
Easy to install and manage system.
Compact size and halved dimensions.
Catalyst regeneration.
District heating plants
Co-generation plants
INDUSTRy: paper products (Varese, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx-CO from natural gas co-generation plant (SAE continuous emission monitoring).
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT mod.CK-55/25_SPLIT on 800 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: energy production (Milan, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DENOX-SCR reactor mod. CK 250/120_HT-EVO on 4,500 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: chemical (Cremona, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor mod. CKS 200/100 on 3,300 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: food preparation (Monza e Brianza, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor split mod. CKS 135/64 on 2,000 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: food preparation (Como, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 135/64 on 2,400 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: food preparation (Lodi, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: 2x DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO split mod. CKS 100/49 on 1,800 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: plastic (Brescia, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor split mod. CKS 135/64 on 1,800 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: chemical (Varese, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 200/100 on 2,700 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: food production (Como, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 200/100 on 3,000 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: textile (Cremona, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor EVO mod. CK 200/100 on 3,300 kWe generator set.
INDUSTRY: chemical (Bergamo, Italy).
EMISSIONS: NOx, CO from natural gas co-generation plant .
SYSTEM: DeNOx SCR COMPKAT reactor split mod. CKS 55/25 on 800 kWe generator set.