Odor treatment

Kappa system and Wet Scrubber for the abatement of odorous emissions produced during various industrial activities or during food preparation.

Treatment of solvents

Regenerative thermal oxidizers and rotor-concentrators for the control and the abatement of volatile organic substances found in most industrial emissions.

Engine and turbine exhaust gas treatment

SNCR DeNOx Reactors and Flameless  reactors for the treatment of atmospheric emissions produced by co-generation plants, district heating plants and gas turbines.

Treatment of oily mists

M91® Purifier for the restoration of healthy air in production environments characterized by the presence of oily mists.

Treatment of complex products

K-IND® Purifier for the pollution control systems for a variety of industrial processes characterized by complex pollutant emissions.


Your technical partner for solutions aimed at the reduction of pollutants into the atmosphere for industrial applications and for power generation.


Our mission is to improve air quality.

We are environmentally conscious by vocation. Innovation and research allow us to offer reliable and efficient solutions that reduce environmental impact and optimize industrial production performance while meeting emission limits.
Every day we thus contribute to sustainable and conscious industrial development.


We minimize environmental impact and maximize your performance.

Biogas e bioenergy
Painting and coatings

Remote control system

Supervisione dei parametri operativi a distanza per supportare i clienti nell'operatività quotidiana e intervenire tempestivamente in caso di necessità.
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Help desk

Servizio di assistenza 24 ore su 24, continuità di servizio e risoluzione dei problemi in tempo reale.
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Modification and Revamping

Consulenza tecnica e operativa per modifiche e adeguamento degli impianti esistenti.
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Spare parts

Manutenzione di macchine e impianti e parti di ricambio originali sono sempre garantite.
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Regeneration SCR Denox catalysts for the energy industry

Trattamenti personalizzati di rigenerazione dei catalizzatori esausti in base al loro stato di compromissione ed efficienza effettiva.
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